Thursday, November 30, 2006

Duct tape works every time!

Mammy always used ta say, "If you don't know what the proper tool is for the job, always turn to duct tape and baling wire". Nuff said.

Snakes on a plane?

Nope, just a boatload of rattlers in a tin horn. Makes ya just wanna reach down there and give the lil' darlin's a kiss and a hug don't ya know. Only problem is they may wanna kiss ya back in their own peculiar fashion.

Entering Our Atmosphere

Its a bird, its a plane, its Superman.... Nope, it may just be a disk entering our atmosphere though. This photo is from 2005 at a place named Nevado de Cachi. Just thought I would put it on here and let a few other folks look at it too. Well, gotta go catch some rest, being RottiJohn takes a great deal of effort.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Twists & Turns & TESLA FIELDS

In 1932 there was a report out of Wichita Falls, Texas, about one of the Army Aircorp's scout planes crashing just south of the base. Everything was hush-hush about the "accident". This was probably due to the crash happening during a bright summer's day, no bad wind, no inclement weather, and the pilot surviving to tell a strange tale. The pilot told several witnesses on the ground that he was flying at a moderate airspeed when he suddenly hit what looked to be a ball of white light. The ball of white light sheered off the tip of his starboard (right) wing. The pilot began to make a controlled descent so he could make an emergency landing, when suddenly he had a second collision. His second collision was with what he described as a huge multi-colored bubble. The pilot said the bubble encompassed most of the sky in front of him, and he could not avoid crashing. Many people would have considered such talk as being that of a delusional man or a lunatic, but Wiley Post was considered by anyone and everyone in aviation to be the world's best pilot at that time. On August 15, 1935 Wiley Post and Will Rogers crashed at Point Barrow, Alaska. He and Rogers were just taking off from a lagoon (the plane had pontoons) when for some unexplained reason they stopped in midair and crashed. Post reported numerous times that he had witnessed huge arcs, and huge multi-colored bubbles while flying in areas of low human population.

Footnote: the above photograph is of a suspected Tesla Field with attendent orbs.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

More UFO stuff........

Could this be the source of the infamous Phoenix Lights? Well, some folks say that a craft like this one did the deed. The main thing RottiJohn wants to do in his investigations is show concise, irrefutable proof. He and his crew will use every type equipment they can find. Photographs and digital film are not enough. There has to be other types of equiment used. With today's technology and the ability to manipulate film, other types of equipment are mandatory. Why not use thermal imaging cameras, infrared cameras, super sensitive audio equipment, magnometers, occilators, doppler radar, etc....??? Yessirreebob, that's the ticket.


The first thing we need to make clear about RottiJohn is that he is a first class SKEPTIC!!!! His main thing in life is helping others. The reason he has his horse rescue program is to not only help horses, but people too. The thing about RottiJohn is that he has worked hard his entire life. He has put in 70 and 80 hour weeks for years. Now? Well, now he still works, but....he wants the same questions answered that you do. He wants to know if UFO's are real. He wants to know about ghosts and haunted places. He wants to know whether or not there is such a thing as Bigfoot. He wants to know the answer to nearly any question you folks can think of. RottiJohn is about to make his life's work answering those questions. Because he does like to share, he will provide answers as best he can, with as much hard proof as he can. folks go ahead and just keep watching this blog, soon, he will have a website for you to visit.

The Phoenix Lights

June 19, 1997...Phoenix, Arizona...Strange lights were seen in the sky from all over the city of Phoenix, and from various other locations. There have been a great number of people, even professional people, say the lights were of extra-terrestrial origin. Were they? Or were they military flares run amok, as the folks in the local military airbase had stated? Were they synthetic lights on the bottom of a triangular unearthly craft? The debate about these questions has been aggressively ongoing since they appeared. However, there is more, lots and lots and lots of more. You see, RottiJohn not only saw the lights, he has in his possesion hours of up close and personal video of said lights. The other thing RottiJohn has discovered over the ensuing years, those lights return, and return quite often. Some folks say they even appear during daylight hours. Soon, very soon, RottiJohn will be having an actual professional website done so he can share some of his findings with all of you. Oh yeah, his video? You can see the little rascals changing shape on it, just like you were right up there with them. You see, RottiJohn uses some very hi-tech equipment, and his cameras can record in pitch black, from 26 miles away. Yes, you read that right, 26 miles, not 26 yards. Just one more strange thing his team is investigating right now. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving to All from RottiJohn....

I encourage everyone during this Holliday Season, to drink responsibly, behave kindly toward one another, spread good cheer, and above all else.... HAVE FUN!!!!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Liquid Refreshment...AHHHHHHHH....

The gentlemen (and I use that term very loosely) that comprise RottiJohn's crew, decided that whilst searching for the ever elusive wild gorillas in Oklahoma and Texas, they would as well search for the equally elusive wild whiskey stills. The crew figures that if they are unsuccessful in capturing a wild gorilla, maybe, just maybe, they would have better luck capturing a wild whiskey still. Now you get to see first hand what that intrepid explorer, RottiJohn, has to put up with.

Always interested in NDN stuff.....

RottiJohn and his crew will be stopping in to say "HOWDY" to Charlie the White Buffalo. Charlie is unique in the fact that he never changed color to anything other than white after attaining adulthood. The photo displayed here is after Charlie had just gone "mud bathing" in the yellow mud that inhabits his personal buffalo wallow. There are so many strange stories and so little time.

Speaking of Strange Places....

RottiJohn's nephew, Nick, pulled out some photo's that Nick's deranged daddy had taken years before. This particular photo is of a place called Turner Falls. Nick says it is one of the most haunted places on the planet. Seems that people just keep dying at the park there. Anyway, how many faces can you see in this photograph? RottiJohn and his crew will be visiting Turner Falls Park too. He figures on doing it during the winter. Most folks stay gone from the park during the winter, seems like it is hard to swim in ice. However, sliding down frozen waterfalls can be a whole lot of fun.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Hang onto yer hat Nelly.....

RottiJohn and his posse are gonna go check out anything and everything that is in the realm of the STRANGE! Ghosts, UFO's, MIB, Bigfoot, Werewolves, Vampires, Scary Places, it does not matter. RottiJohn Edmonds is an intrepid adventurer and investigator. He and his crew live for looking under the rock where all the secrets are stashed. Recently he went to visit his nephews in Oklahoma and found these footprints in the bed of a creek. Thinking they were a might strange in appearance, RottiJohn ventured up the creek bank and into the woods. Finding several wild gorilla nests seemed a bit strange too. But, after it was explained to him that there are troops of wild gorillas in the Oklahoma Outback...Whut? Well, the film crew is once again headed there all the way from RottiJohn's ranch in Arizona. To see what other things the man does, visit the link for Hopeful Hooves.