Saturday, November 25, 2006


The first thing we need to make clear about RottiJohn is that he is a first class SKEPTIC!!!! His main thing in life is helping others. The reason he has his horse rescue program is to not only help horses, but people too. The thing about RottiJohn is that he has worked hard his entire life. He has put in 70 and 80 hour weeks for years. Now? Well, now he still works, but....he wants the same questions answered that you do. He wants to know if UFO's are real. He wants to know about ghosts and haunted places. He wants to know whether or not there is such a thing as Bigfoot. He wants to know the answer to nearly any question you folks can think of. RottiJohn is about to make his life's work answering those questions. Because he does like to share, he will provide answers as best he can, with as much hard proof as he can. folks go ahead and just keep watching this blog, soon, he will have a website for you to visit.

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